A new name heralds some big changes for Trend Micro's Titanium suites. The overhaul to Titanium Antivirus+ 2011 brings users a faster suite with a smaller system impact. However, Trend Micro's new security engine is too untested to be able to recommend it.
Trend Micro's updates for 2011 bring a substantially overhauled suite, from the name down to its detection engine. The new version brings a new interface, new cloud-based detection engine, and new features that, on whole, are changes as impressive as those that Norton has gone through the past few years.
Trend Micro's updates for 2011 bring a substantially overhauled suite, from the name down to its detection engine. The new version brings a new interface, new cloud-based detection engine, and new features that, on whole, are changes as impressive as those that Norton has gone through the past few years.
The new Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ 2011 sports a rapid-fire installation. Once you've completed downloading the installer, the entire process is over in less than a minute. There's one screen where you're asked to fill in an e-mail address before you can run Titanium Internet Security, but that's the extent of the registration hoops that are required.
The new Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus+ 2011 sports a rapid-fire installation. Once you've completed downloading the installer, the entire process is over in less than a minute. There's one screen where you're asked to fill in an e-mail address before you can run Titanium Internet Security, but that's the extent of the registration hoops that are required.
Notably, Trend Micro doesn't call any attention to its behavioral detection network, which the company has named Aegis. Although Trend Micro introduced Aegis in 2007, making it one of the first available, most companies still give users the option during installation to opt-out of contributing data to the anonymous networks while allowing you the networks' benefits. Unless it was a glitch, that's not offered here in the installation. (You can later disable the anonymous contribution of your data in the Settings menu, under Other Settings and Smart Protection Network.)
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